April 26, 2012

Making Your Marriage A Priority

Thursday it is! Happy day friends. I am glad that you stopped over. Hopefully you are on your lunch break, coffee break, run to Sonic break, grabbing a kit kat break or ignoring your pile of work break. You get the point. Really any type of break will due right now. We all need those breaks in our busy schedules. I know something that will help relax you. See below.

Doesn't that picture make you want to pack your bags and go on a little getaway. Rusty and I did that this past weekend. It was long overdue and just what we both needed. It was time for us to get back to us and take the time to smile about those little moments. Here I am again talking about life after your wedding. I hope that you do enjoy reading these types of posts. I recently read an article that has been making the rounds about 15 things for your marriage. It made me laugh because I start posts with specific topics to then have a better article written by someone else come along. That is okay. I will still write.

I may be still technically new to marriage (1.5 years) but I have learned a lot. Rusty has taught me a lot and shown me what patience really is. I have a good husband. I could probably write a book on priorities in your marriage let alone making sure your marriage is the biggest priority but I will keep it to just a few things. These things are things that I have rediscovered, learned or reaffirmed. Regardless of these points you must take care of yourself and your happiness before you can make someone else happy. Shall we begin?

1. Set a date. This is probably the hardest thing that Rusty and I struggle with. Whether it is your vacation or just a two day trip, picking a date to go is hard for us. I have a problem saying no to others. We also let other peoples plans affect our schedule. Take the time to sit down and pick a week or a day to spend it together. Date night is important. Vacation's together are important. Invest time together.

2. Intimacy matters. I normally don't ever mention sex on the blog but today I am. First for everything, right? Being intimate with your spouse is beyond important. I know for women sometimes it isn't always about rolling in the sheets so make the most of the lingering glances, hand holding and sweet forehead kisses. My husband is the best at forehead kisses.

3. Do it Yourself. I have to be honest. I am a perfectionist. I am slowly learning to not knit pick. I do have a certain way I like to fold clothes but if Rusty does it himself versus me doing it than I need to be grateful. If it is something that will drive me nuts I do it myself. I am learning that somethings my husband will just never enjoy doing. I can do those things and trade off a few things that he would like better. Remember the things he does without you asking. He provides. He gets the oil changed. He mows the yard. He lets me shop. He is a good man.

4. Affirmation. Watch what you say and think about it before you say it. Positive words can move mountains in your life.

Gals, just like anything else in life if you don't make something a priority it gets left behind. It you don't make fitness a reoccurring thing your body shows it. Marriage is the same way. If you don't water your love fern (thank you How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days) then it won't grow into something lush and beautiful. Well, if ferns are your thing and all. Go with your favorite flower if they aren't. Always remember what a blessing it is to be married and spending your life with your best friend. That is all the rainbows and glitter that I have for today.


  1. Great post! Making time for date night is a huge deal for us as well. It's hard with our busy schedules or just being tired from working so much, but it's so important. Another thing is to set aside some time each day, distraction free, to talk to each other. I think that helps seal the glue so-to-speak :-)

    1. That is a good thing too! It can hard to get away from distractions. Good reminder Stephanie :)

  2. This is so so important to remember. Marriage isn't a magic thing that just works without effort. It's something that takes time, effort, love and commitment. Great advice :)

    1. Thank you Rhi! You are right. It takes work but the joys are so great :)


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