December 9, 2014

How Mommy Is Getting Her Groove Back

If you read this post, you know that having a baby was a big high and a big low for me. BUTTTTT all is getting better...

Thank goodness.

So how did this mommy learn to get her groove back?

1. A new bible study. I am currently reading this one from She Reads Truth and going through the workbook. It has brought new life to me. Some days I get 5 minutes in while other days I get 30 minutes in.

2. Exercise. I seriously hate that word and hope that those feelings change but it has helped tremendously. Whether a run or a walk around the block, I am thankful for that time. I really want to get back in to half marathon shape plus be able to run when pregnant again {Yes, I am already thinking about our second baby. ;)}

3. Mommy time. Thus far this includes bunko once a month and coffee while blogging (hello this post!) at the local coffee shop. It is amazing what a little time away from your baby can bring to your mojo. Don't get me wrong, I hate leaving Skip but an hour to myself is so nice. I always love coming back to kiss those cheeks.

4. Music. Skip and I love to dance and sing. We firmly believe in turning on the record player and dancing to our hearts desire. Music warms my soul. It is a daily must.

5. Getting dressed or at least changing my outfit. When I was pregnant a friend of mine told me to get dressed every day, put on make up and do my hair. She said it was so helpful when she was a stay at home mommy. While I hardly ever get make up done, I am putting on an outfit each day that makes me feel confident. I also try to maintain this curly mop.

6. Knowing it is okay to be away from baby for a little bit. This was hard for me. The first two weeks of Skip's life I didn't leave his side. Not a moment away. I oversaw everything and realized that I am not happy living that way. Being away from the baby is good for both of us. It really does let us grow fonder of one another. So whether it is a walk by myself, a pedicure or just a drive, I try to get away from him once or twice a week.

7. Making a new routine. Adding a baby totally changes your routine. Yes, some things stay the same but we also made a new routine that works for both of us. Breakfast with coffee is a must. Exercise each day. We also have a set time to run errands. Getting Skip to nurse and nap on a schedule has been the best thing yet.

Adding a baby to the mix is a blessing but learning how to make it all work and be happy is a priority. How did you get your groove back? And remember it takes time.

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