May 24, 2012

Q & A: How Do I Ask People to Help with Wedding Planning?

Please excuse the small video. Hi. My name is Katie and I am beyond excited that Phillip Phillips won American Idol. For those who don't know I watch reality tv and a few live shows religiously. American Idol has always been a household favorite. This season finale has included J Lo (of course), Lil John, Dreamgirl Jennifer Holliday, Reba, Fantasia, Chaka Khan, Rhianna, Steven Tyler, Neil Diamond, Jordin Sparks, Aerosmith and past contestants. The finale even included a proposal. This show makes my heart happy. From the beginning I have had one favorite. Any guesses? Yeah, Phil Phillips is dreamy. Rusty is okay with me saying that. The guy is just pure talent. When he was announced last night I screamed like a little kid. To make it even better he cries and can't even perform his new single. I might have shed a tear too. See I am one of those weird people who gets really connected with complete strangers on tv like they are my best friend. Soooo, since you are now rolling your eyes at how weird I truly am let's talk wedding.

It is Q & A Thursday. Cue the clapping and cheers! Today's question is for people who (just like me) who have a hard time asking people for help. Here is how:

Q. I need to ask others to help with details and wedding planning things. How can I ask and not feel like I am asking to much?

A. I have been there. How do you make it comfortable? If you are like me asking others for help is not easy and may never be but have no fear! When it comes to asking try these tips:

1. Make sure you are asking a true and helpful friend. Be honest about what needs to be completed. You need people who you can rely on from start to finish. I have heard stories of brides who ask someone for help thinking that the project will get done but in the end the person falls through leaving the bride with last minute things to get done. You don't want that. Make sure you are picking reliable folks. Always be truthful about what needs to be accomplished and how much time you have to completed it.

2. When it comes to asking always give them an option. For example, Cris with Kiss My Tulle recently asked me to be her videographer but first asked if I would rather attend as a regular guest. I know with most friends they are going to want to help regardless but do let them say no if they need to. More than likely they are just as excited as you to complete your list!

3. Do not be afraid to ask. People can only say yes or no. Let your friend now that you will also be helping and giving them direction. Make it a group effort. Make it fun!

4. Now that they have said yes, give them their task. You have their help now get to work! :)

5. Don't underestimate DIY and the numbers you will need. I always hear brides who do a lot of DIY projects say they wish they had more time. Make sure that you and your friends have fun while working. Turn on the Bachelorette while sipping wine and making your paper crane backdrop.

6. I promise they want to help. Your friends are more than likely going to be jumping at the bit to help. Most of them you will not even have to ask but the ones you do, remember they are honored. Giving a friend a role in your wedding is a treat. Relax when asking. Always make it fun and reward them for your help. Try a nice bottle of wine, a movie night, a nice body scrub or a bouquet of fresh flowers.

7. Make it fun! Pretty simple and easy to do.

I hope that these tips help and that you eventually feel comfortable asking others to pitch in. These are your friends and loved ones. They are beyond thrilled to be helping making your wedding dreams come true.

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