May 11, 2012

Love Song Friday, Volume 53

We have not built an ark yet but we may be close. Folks, South Texas is getting hammered with storms and I love it. It makes me happy. Rain can dampen most peoples moods but not mine because I know two months from now we will be begging for rain. Happy Friday to you all! I hope that this blog post finds you happy and healthy and cheery for your weekend. Today's Love Song Friday is good, real good.

But first let us recap what we talked about this week:

Monday: Making Life Simple
Tuesday: Lindsey + Joseph's Wedding Day Highlight
Wednesday: Wedding Dress Wednesday
Thursday: Lovebird Spotting: Cris and Jerry

We sure did have a lot of love on the blog this week. Why not continue that into today? Yesterday I worked a half day and treated myself to a matinee of The Lucky One. It was beyond good. Zac Efron, be still my beating heart. The movie will make you smile, cry, laugh, cheer, pretty much every emotion. I suggest you go see it but it is not a date night movie. Don't force your other half to see it unless they want to. It is more a big group of girls go see it type of movie.

When the credits rolled a song I hadn't heard in a long time started to play. I have been racking my brain to figure out where I have heard this song. If anyone who reads this today remembers let me know. Anyway the song stuck with me and thus Love Song Friday. The Story by Brandi Carlile has amazing lyrics. You know I love a song with moving lyrics. The song says,

I climbed across the mountaintop. 
Swam all across the ocean blue. 
I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules,
But baby I broke them all for you. 
Because even when I was flat broke,
You made me feel like a million bucks, you do.
I was made for you.

Sigh. How sweet to know a love like that. Here is the ever fabulous Brandi Carlile. I suggest you make a Brandi Carlile Pandora station stat. It will be the best decision you make all Friday minus treating yourself to that dress you have been wanting online. Hugs friends!

1 comment:

  1. Love this song!! It was on/in a few different things I think, but I know for sure it was on an episode of Grey's Anatomy awhile back. :) I'm super excited to see that movie!!


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