May 1, 2012

May Goals

Well hello May. How are you? I am giving you all a fair warning but I am very glitter and rainbows today. I was reading an article last night that talks about your mood and figuring out what changes it. It even made a few calls to action like getting in the longest line at the grocery store but then it took as far as to say try driving in the slow lane all the way home. I gasped. Anyone who has ever ridden in a vehicle with me is laughing because they know my driving frustrations. The more lately I have been aware of my actions the more I have learned to just let things go. Guys, we cannot control others actions. Yes, people still provoke me and situations irritate me but I control my mood. Such a simple concept but sometimes hard to live out. The article also included this quote, "Accept that you are not able to control what others do; the only thing you can truly control is you. Recruit more patience, compassion and gratitude." I say we give it a try.

Wouldn't it be nice if the first thing on my May goals was visit the above spot. Don't I wish? Hopefully one day. While visiting Paris makes my 33 x 30 list it isn't quite practical for my May goals. First, let's take a second to see how the April goals panned out. I scored 6 out of 8. Not bad! I am still working on finding better balance with every day life and I still didn't finish my client checklist. Actually I don't think that I looked at it once this month. Oh, so bad. I will be showing you Joseph and Lindsey's wedding video soon and in the mean time you can check out my complete Tips and Advice Page. I am pretty proud!

This months goals list is a tad shorter:

1. Complete one new DIY project for the blog this month. Pretty plain and simple. I want to either photograph it or film it.

2. Really complete my client checklist. I promise I will guys.

3. Cook two new recipes. I am really wanting to try to make veggie or black bean burgers. I found this tasty recipe here.

4. Plan our vacation. Budget and all. Rusty and I have finally decided on a vacation date but we have no idea where we want to go. We missed the skiing opportunity we talked about and the vacation may be closer to home. One, we are buying a house. Two, we haven't explored Texas. If you want to leave any suggestions, comment below. I would love your vacation musts!

5. Brainstorm plus start planning a inspiration shoot. I have the urge to tackle an inspiration shoot. I am not sure exactly which idea I will run with.

Here's to getting things done!


  1. I would love to read that article you are talking about.. I need to make a month-to-do list to hold me accountable and get me motivated! I'm feeling more inspired after reading your post! :)

    1. The magazine is called Moxie. New Braunfels is such a healthy community. Between all the outdoor festivities and water this town is on top of fitness. Here is a link to the online publication:

      They have not updated it to the latest issue that I read the article in. Hopefully soon! Thank you for your sweet comments Sarah! :)

  2. LOL...I'm remembering my "brush with death" in San Antonio traffic while trying to get to the Alamo!

    1. Hahahaha! I have no idea what you are talking about :)


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