April 27, 2012

Love Song Friday, Volume 51

Friday dance and go! Happy almost weekend sweets. I hope your weekend is full of laughs, happy memories and sunshine. I am keeping it short and sweet today folks. Make sure to check my post from earlier about how to cut your wedding cake. It was fun to write. Hey, I got to talk about cake.

This week was a blasty, blast. We also reached 200 fans on Facebook so a giveaway is in your near future. Hooray!

Monday: Are You Ready for This?
Tuesday: Planning Your Ceremony, Part 2
Wednesday: Wedding Dress Wednesday
Thursday: Making Your Marriage a Priority
Friday: Q & A: How Do We Cut the Cake?

My husband wanted me to choose Michael Jackson for today's Love Song. I decided that PYT was the perfect song. It gets you excited for your weekend and of course dancing. Sorry I didn't pick You Are Not Alone honey. Maybe next time dear! I was going to pick the actual music video but have you seen it? Racy Mr. Racsterson. This lovely picture of Michael will do. Happy Friday friends!

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