April 3, 2012

April Goals

Guys I cannot begin to tell you how helpful it is to write down my monthly goals. I tried it once here and I checked so many things off that list. You also know my love for lists. An example would be 96% of all my posts. I am thinking I may repeat this post up once a month. Can I also add how in the who is it April already? It just turned March. Well at least it felt like it just turned March. Regardless, it is time to put my goals in writing or a blog post.

1. Put my Health First. I have got to start taking better care of myself. I use to work out 5 days a week and lately have been slacking. I am adding more hours at my office job, blogging, editing, taking on new clients and helping my favorite gal with wedding planning. Regardless of everything on my plate, I need to always be healthy. Time to get back on the exercise 4 -5 times a week horse. I have also had a slight illness that I need to go get antibiotics for. I hate to admit it but I have known I was sick for about a week and a half and just made a doctor's visit yesterday for today. I know....bad. I am working on it friends.

I need to be just as healthy as the 86 year old gymnast who has been making the news. Nothing like a video like this to motivate you. Go Grandma Go!

2. Better Balance. This refers to the first point. I need to learn to balance better. Sometimes my time management skills lack. I need to make sure I make time for family and friends while keeping work contained to a few hours a day. My husband is loving but I cannot completely ignore him because of my work load. ha!

3. Complete Lindsey and Joseph's wedding DVD. Get to work girl. Well, more like get it done girl. It is a work in progress.

4. Then Show You Those Clips. Pretty self explanatory. I love sharing with you and this wedding is nothing short of fun, sweet and spectacular.

5. Finish the Tips and Advice Page. Also a thing that I need to show to you all. It is 56% complete. Let's do this.

6. Keep Planning Rachel's Wedding. I am loving helping with her wedding. She is sweet and knows exactly what she wants. I cannot stress the joys of working with a bride and friend who knows what she wants. It is refreshing and helps move through major planning easily! I love our phone chats, Skype dates and texts. We are starting to get to the detail planning of her big day. It makes me excited! Excited with two exclamation points!!

7. Finalize my Client Checklist Sheet. I am a very, very organized person but I have been working on a client checklist to implement each time I get a new client. It keeps me on task and I am less likely to overlook a step or two. I have started the list but need to get it done.

8. Read More. I need to put my Kindle to better use. I also have shelves of books that I want to reread. I love reading and it is the perfect balance to my insane yet exciting schedule.

Don't my business and health goals sound like so much fun? Cue the sarcasm. I know this may not interest you all but it helps me. It also allows me to make a list. I love lists, oddly enough. Do you guys have any must get done goals for April? Can you relate to wanting to get things done? Here's to marking things off our lists friends!


  1. Girl, I'm the same way! Goal setting and making lists are great and should be a part of everone's monthly/weekly routine! Good luck with all of these, I'm sure you'll achieve them :)

  2. Thank you for the encouragement Malia! I really do appreciate it! Cheers to crossing things off a never ending list :)


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