March 2, 2012

Q & A: Changing Your Name

Friday friends! We are back to our regularly scheduled question and answer session the blog. Aren't you glad it is Friday? Got any big plans for this weekend? Me neither. ha! I plan on thrifting, pinning, editing and writing. Don't worry. I promise to sneak in a glass of wine, moments of quietness on my back porch and a show or two on the DVR.

Ever have one of the days when you to-do list just keeps growing? I feel like today is that day. But even with a growing list, I am thankful. I am thankful that I have a creative bone for editing and growing my portfolio. With my one year blog anniversary quickly approaching (later this month) I want a few new clips and fun posts to show you. I might even give away a gift. I know. Getting crazy! I cannot wait to celebrate one year with you all and take a look back at how this blog has grown. Thank you for sticking with me through this year and watching Lovebird Productions be born.

Yesterday I was chatting it up (nice phrase) with one of my best friends. She had to take a trip to the DMV and you guessed it, waited in line forever. Don't you just love the workers at the DMV office? She mentioned getting a new license and asked what I had to do to change my name. I hate to be a Debbie Downer but changing my name was a bad experience. Let us travel back to yester-year.

Q. What steps do you have to take to update your license and legally change your name?

A. When you get back from your perfect honeymoon where you just enjoyed late nights, yummy beverages and more than likely a little bit of sand, you have to change your name. Let me clarify by saying no one has to change their name but if you are interested in doing that this post is for you. I am finding more and more that women are not changing their last name and my story I am about to tell will further solidify why.

The reason that I 100% wanted to change my name was because I was formerly a Willeford. Call me crazy but growing up I hated being at the last of the alphabet. I hated always having to present projects last or be the last through the lunch line. Did you call me crazy? No? Well these memories have stuck with me. Not only was my husband ridiculously gorgeous, smart and witty but he also had a last name that started with an F. Score! I know my children will never understand or even be remotely grateful for what their mother has done for them but I know it is a small victory. Middle to the first of the alphabet, you are welcome Farrin babies.

Like I said, I don't want to crush anyone's dreams but I am going to tell you the truth. Also this was for the state of Arkansas where we were living at the time. I am not sure the protocol for other states but I would assume it is somewhat the same. I started a regular day by calling the DMV office and listening to the automated recording. Once the fun menu and recording was complete no one answered the line. Uh fun? I may be naive but I didn't research what I needed. If I did this whole crisis might could have been prevented. I also didn't ask any newly married friends. I guess I was in Katie land that day. I gathered my personal identification and headed to the DMV office on my lunch break. I waited the entire hour and even had to call work and let them know I was running a bit behind because of the name change. After finally having my number called the extremely kind (sarcasm) lady said that I didn't have the right stuff. She said that I need to go and have my marriage license filled and signed at the courthouse. After I did that I could come back and get my new ID.

The following day I sacrificed my lunch to get my marriage license signed. I ran inside the courthouse and it took a total of 5 minutes to get everything completed. I was excited and thought "Maybe this is an indication of the quick trip I will have at the DMV." False. Completely false. After spending another long lunch at the DMV my number was called. I went to the counter thrilled to be done with waiting and ready to smile for my new picture. The new picture would have to wait because the lady informed me that I didn't have the right stuff. Trying not to loose my patience I asked her what else I needed. She said that I didn't have a new social security card with my name change on it and that I could not get a new license until I changed my name. Gah! I told her that is not what the other DMV lady told me the day before in hopes that maybe the lady was just being silly and forgetful. Yeah, she wasn't and she sassed me for even implying that she didn't know what she was doing.

Well you guessed it. The next day AT LUNCH I went to the Social Security office. This time I came prepared and grabbed lunch before I went into their office. The filing for a new card went quick. So quick that I even had time to run into Kohl's to browse.

It took a total of a week for my new SS card to come in the mail. My attitude when approaching the DMV this time was I was getting a license even if I had to crawl across the counter and do it myself. Three trips to the DMV in a week time frame is depressing. Luckily, I had all the right items to get my new Farrin license!

The moral of this story is getting your name changed can be something else. Here are a few tips to follow before spending three lunch breaks waiting in line.

1. Do your research. Ask newly married friends. Call ahead. Look online. Be knowledgeable in what you need and the fastest way to get the new license.

2. File your marriage license first. No one will let you do anything until your marriage license has been turned in to the courthouse. All the courthouse will do is make a copy, sign it and send you on your way. You get to keep the original copy. I didn't even know what to expect with the marriage license. Don't be afraid to ask! Most of us have only been married once.

3. Get a new social security card. Once again, you cannot get a new ID until they have your updated social security card.

4. Take cash. Yeah, it cost money.

5. Wear your favorite shade of lipstick for your new photo ID. Just thought I would throw that one in.

I hope this post didn't completely bore you. Still awake? Oh good! See you guys in just a bit for Love Song Friday!


  1. I was going to hypenate my name post-wedding but then my dad passed away unexpectedly and I'm SO hooked on my name (he fought to adopt me and give me his name). It's such and emotional thing for me right now that The Boy has just taken it in stride and not bugged me. P.S> I DID hyphenate it on all our military dependent stuff because the government is crazy.

    1. I don't blame you at all Cris! It would mean a lot to me too! The Boy is such a nice guy too! You can tell he just wants you happy :)

  2. Love this post. I got married in July and still haven't changed my name. I fully intend to, but when I found out what a pain it was going to be I stalled. I finally filled out the paperwork for Social Security this week. I have my marriage license ready to go. I'm gonna do it. Probably next week. Ha :)


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