March 16, 2012

Love Song Friday, Volume 45

Friday friends! Smell that smell? That is the weekend. We will not be doing our normal Q & A session today due to this lovebird being on the road. This weekend I am celebrating this gorgeous couple:

Photo Source: Liz Boren via Simply Stated Photography

I am so excited to be apart of their day. I also get to try out my new battery. Did I mention it lasts up to 12 hours? This battery is big time. Tomorrow will be a tad longer than that so we will really get to put it to the test. I may be the only one who gets excited about new equipment. More than likely. I am also anticipating Joseph and Lindsey’s St. Patty (Paddy) Day Wedding Cake. For more on this fabulous couple and their love story click here.

Guess what next week is? My ONE year anniversary of starting this blog and lovely business. I cannot believe that you guys have read this thing for a year. What is wrong with y’all? Ha! Just kidding. One year of tears, laughs, love and pure bliss. I love this blog and don’t plan on going anywhere. (Knock on wood!)

Next week’s post will be a bit more personal. I will explain a few business things, a look at my every day life (pretty boring) and also let you know where this blog and business is hopefully headed. I can’t wait to share and celebrate next week. Next week think of it as bid day but a weeks worth of fun. For those of you who didn’t go Greek in college, that is okay. Next week = Party. I love a good party.

This week on Lovebird Productions...

Monday: Here's To...
Tuesday: A Dolla Makes Me Holla, Honey Boo Boo Child (I got a lot of love on this post. Who would have thunk it?)
Wednesday: Wedding Dress Wednesday
Thursday: Engagement Bliss
Friday: Work it.Com (Not an actual post but more of an action)

Today’s song is a definite oh my goodness this is the best song ever kind of song. Think back to high school, middle school, summer days, Barbies, soccer tournaments, lemonade stands. Whatever age you were the Cranberries Linger is one of my favorites. Hands down a crowd pleaser. So let your hair down, turn up your speakers, grab your lighter and sing along. Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger? Uh yeah, we do.

 Want to pick Love Song Friday? Help a sister out. I love suggestions and plus you can show off your DJ skills. What more could a girl ask for? Cheers to a successful weekend sweets!

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