March 19, 2012

Blogiversary Week: A Day in My Life

Happy Blogiversary friends! Yes sir, it is time to celebrate one year of blogging. You know when I started this blog I totally underestimated what blogging 5 days a week would mean. It is not just a hobby but something that I truly love. If you are planning on blogging about anything, you better make sure that you like your topic. As anyone knows who has read this blog at least once, I love weddings. I think I was born with a must-love-weddings gene. I go weak for sweetheart necklines, dollies, burlap and an amazing bouquet. Katie = Wedding lover.

Instead of bugging my husband every day with wedding talk I bug y’all. Can I just say I am so glad that you all have taken this journey with me? You all have been supportive and loyal to Lovebird Productions. With all the celebration I have a few fun posts for this week. Not only will you get a more in dept look at my life (which seems to be crowd pleasing posts according to statistics) but I will also share where I have been, where I want to go and what I have planned.

When people hear that I blog full time they stare at me blankly. I get questions from “Do you wear pajamas all day?” to “How many hours are you on the computer?” Instead of answering them randomly I thought I would show you a day in my life. I do work part-time in an office but thought you could see what those other two days are like. This post is also for my husband who thinks I pull these lengthy posts together out of thin air while sipping white wine. Now this isn’t always a typical day but it is pretty darn close. Blogging is hard work but every published post is worth it. Shall we?

8:00 – The alarm goes off. Normally Jane wakes me by standing on me until her 40 pounds drains the air out of me or she uses her new trick of sticking her wet nose under the covers on my feet. Rusty has already left for the day. I finally get up and take Jane dog on a walk plus workout. I either run two miles or do yoga. Yoga wins today. I also feed Jane, make breakfast, drink coffee, text my husband to say, “I love you” and take Jane out one more time. I also brush my teeth. Even though I sit behind a computer screen 80% of my day I do practice good hygiene.

9:15 – I start proofreading the day's post. I make sure I have run my post through Microsoft Word. I try so hard to use correct grammar and spelling by that doesn’t always happen. I make sure that the photos are credited properly and re-read the post about 10 times until I feel it is perfect. Once this is ready I triple check the spelling again. I am the world’s worst speller, which is ironic when it comes to someone who enjoys writing and reading so much.

10:00 – I press publish. I make sure that everything is correct on the front end of the blog. I push the link through Facebook and Twitter. I also take the time to read other blogs. I have to say as much as I love writing a blog I may love reading other blogs even more. I seriously love reading other peoples work. I comment on a few blogs and also share those blog links with my Twitter followers.

11:30 – I normally would leave for my part-time job but today I stay on the computer. I pull up my email and start responding to anything that came through my inbox the night before. I do things like answer bride questions, respond to inquiries about videography and today I create an invoice for a wedding I booked for December 1st. I send the invoice and contract to the bride and do a little happy dance for booking a winter wedding. I love winter all weddings.

12:30 – I venture into the kitchen for lunch. I normally eat tuna fish and crackers. I have recently developed a love of tuna fish. Everyone I know thinks it is nasty but I love it. Sorry if you don’t agree too. I also love Greek yogurt and treat myself to a piece of dark chocolate. Guess where I am headed back to? If you guessed the computer, you are right. So smart!

1:15 - Since I filmed a wedding this past weekend I start transferring the footage to my desktop. As it uploads I make notes of favorite shots, listen to audio clips and patiently (keyword) wait for the footage to upload. This takes close to three and a half hours.

While the footage continues to upload I clean house, tackle laundry and do dishes. Since I was gone all weekend laundry is a chore.

2:30 - Laundry is still not completely done but I do start reading a few articles about new wedding trends. I also make notes and brainstorm ideas for future posts. The footage from Joseph and Lindsey's wedding is still loading on the computer. I read a few more blogs and start working on my post for tomorrow. I have an idea of what I want to do but am still working out the kinks. I also take the time to respond to any and all comments left on the blog. It is important to me that people know I am glad they comment.

3:30 - I take Jane for a little walk before it is back to the computer. I have a mom of a groom who recently purchased two more DVDs of their October wedding. I work on creating an invoice for her, making the DVDs and finishing the cases for her. I plan to mail them tomorrow morning. I pin a few things and answer more emails that have come in to my inbox.

4:30 - I keep working on tomorrow's post. Once I come to a stopping point, I set up my camera to do a fun video for this week's blogiversary. It is a surprise that I will share with y'all later in the week. This takes a while because we all know how weird I am on camera.

6:00 - Rusty calls to say that he will be leaving the office in about 10 minutes. This gives me about an hour to get dinner ready and wind down my day so that I can spend some time with my husband.

7:00 - Rusty is home! This is one of the favorite parts of my day. We have a nice dinner and talk about our days. Monday nights use to mean we watched the Bachelor (yes, Rusty watched it with me) but since the show is not on any longer we decide to relax on the back patio for a bit.

8:30 - I start preparing Rusty's lunch for the next day. I finish the laundry and get it put away.

9:30 - We walk Jane dog one more time before bed. We usually stay up talking a bit longer. While Rusty goes to sleep I blog in bed. It may sound weird but at one point the blog was keeping me from getting into bed when my husband did. I hated that so I started blogging in bed. I work on tomorrow post and make sure that I am making sense. I answer a few more emails and read a few more blogs.

11:30 - Lights out!

Now you know that my day is not exciting at all. It may bore you but I love what I do. I love interacting with others and reading their blogs. Life is fun! Even though I stay behind the computer A LOT I try to make the most of it. Whether it is taking a break for a snack or to take a walk with Jane, my breaks from the computer are worthwhile. I love blogging and this week is a celebration! Happy almost one year Lovebird Productions. Gifts, happy birthday cards, comments and sweet birthday cards are welcome!


  1. Ha! When i was still doing the blog as my primary fulltime job - that was also my day! People just assumed that I sat around watching soaps but the reality was WAY more computer time (endless) and lots of household chores. I think I actually work less at my new "real" job!

  2. KathyWi i love Tuna fish too! Justin hates it tho so i can only eat it when he is out of the house. =) i love you lots and lots and am super proud of you! Happy Blogiversary.-Laura Ray

    1. Thank you for being so great! We can have tuna fish sandwiches together :)


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