March 15, 2012

Engagement Bliss

Good morning y'all! Is it crazy to say that I miss y'all and am excited to see your faces every morning? I know, it does sound silly but tis true. From the time I close my laptop, put down my phone, stop with emails and tweets, I start thinking about the next day when I get to reconnect with you all. More than ever I feel like I am starting to develop a confident blog and a confident writing style. Sometimes I don't make sense but I really love it here. This blog is such a happy place and it is because of you. Sigh, I love y'all.

Today I wanted to talk about engagement pictures. Like I have mentioned before when I was planning my big day I didn't read wedding blogs or study bridal magazines. I just went with what I knew or had seen others do. Our wedding photographer is one thing I think we lucked out on. His price was extremely affordable and his work was amazing! Steven (photographer) did such a good job at making Rusty and I feel comfortable.

When it came to our engagement session we went with a cityscape scene because for my bridals I wanted to be out in the woods. Luckily our photographer was in Hot Springs (about 25 minutes from our wedding site) and we LOVE downtown Hot Springs. It is an old fashioned spa city with a lot of charm. Our engagement session was very us. We didn't use props because I didn't know people did that (at the time). We didn't dress up in fun outfits because like I said, I didn't know people did stuff like that. So how do you decide on your engagement style? Location? Theme? Jon boat? Well I can help. Warning: These pictures represent the long hair days. List time....

1. Selecting your photographer. Pick the right one. Hands down this is one of the most important things you will do for your wedding. Talk about an investment! These pictures are forever so research, make a list, contact, get to know, be friends and smile for the camera.

2. Picking the perfect location. One thing that we liked about Steven is he helped answer a lot of questions. He pointed us in the right direction. Find a few of your favorite places and stick with them. Sometimes it is easy to get swayed or question your instincts when it comes to your bridal style. Need help finding that place? Where did you go on your first date? The first time you said I love you? Where did he proposed? Your favorite weekend activity? Start with these places and I am sure you can find the spot for your pictures.

3. Staying true to yourself. Be you friend. If pin up girl is not your style, don't do it. If you don't want to go on a picnic, you don't have to. Showcase you.

4. Get creative! If you have a fun idea in mind why not do it? Do what makes you happy, whether that is fishing on the lake or kissing over coffee. Find what you like and live it out. It makes for such cute pictures.

5. Have fun! When Rusty and I first started our engagement session we were beyond stiff. We had no idea how uncomfortable we would feel in front of the camera. Our photographer worked to loosen us up and forget about the camera. It took us a bit but we really did enjoy ourselves! I don't know if other couples feel this way but our engagement session was very intimate. Yes, we laughed a lot but there were moments when it was just Rusty and I. It sounds cheesy but so true. We got to giggle, tell secrets, sit close, hold hands, dance and my favorite, kiss. I could kiss that man all day.

I hope these tips point you in the right direction for having the best engagement session ever. These pictures are suppose to be fun and something to show your friends, family and one day babies. Relax. Smile. Kiss. Love one another. This is the time of your lives!

All photos taken by Steven Miles Photoworks.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! We are pretty proud of them too :)

  2. Love this! My e-sess is in less than one month and I'm trying to figure it all out. Thanks for the help!

    1. I cannot wait to see your pictures! These are exciting times Cris!!

  3. The hubby + I never did engagement photos and I really wish we had! Love all of your tips though!
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

    1. Thank you Lexi! We planned our wedding in four months so everything is kind of a blur! lol We did make time for the engagements though!


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