January 10, 2017

A Word for 2017


Let's dig into 2017. I cannot believe it is a new year. My grandmother always told me that each year goes by faster and faster. I am seeing that now especially with precious littles.

Each year I like to foster inspiration from a phrase, quote or word for the new year.

This word is used in many ways. From encouragement to refreshment and inspiration to a good kick in the pants when it needs to be. It is a word I see over and over. I doodle it, print it out, sing it, share it, pray it.

When thinking about what word I needed for this year, it didn't take much time for God to reveal it. It immediately gave me the push I needed.

2017, may you be a year of courage.

A year of courage to not just dream but to do. A year of courage when it comes to my health and weight loss. A year of courage in getting rid of more and living with less. A year of courage with overcoming debt. A year of courage when it comes to loving others.

I started writing my goals for the year with this word in mind and it was amazing how the word fit into all of my goals. Also included in my goals are my why and action steps to help see them through.

2017 GOALS:

1. Pray for Rusty every day.
Why: He deserves it. He deserves a wife that prays for him, that encourages him, that challenges him.
Action steps: Make time every day for this. Learn to make it a habit that I enjoy. Write down my prayers.

2. Continue my health journey.
Why: I deserve to feel my best. My kids and husband deserves my best too.
Action steps: Continue healthy eating, regular weekly workouts, continue half marathon training schedule, try a new recipe each week.

3. Pay off debt + learn better spending habits.
Why: I am tired of being bound by debt. As a family we are working towards better financial goals and personally I am learning the true meaning of what I spend and why.
Action steps: Follow monthly budget even if it means saying no to things and events. Encourage Rusty in our spending and hold one another accountable. Think through what I am spending money on versus mindless spending. Purchase Financial Peace to work through as a couple.

4. Continue the process of downsizing and living with less.
Why: I want to teach my kids the importance of being happy with yourself and what you have, not things. I want to not feel burdened with stuff. I want cleaning and picking up to be simpler.
Action steps: Sell, sell, sell, purge quarterly, capsule wardrobe, enjoy our new home, more quiet time as a family.

5. Strengthen my relationship with the Lord.
Why: I want to know him intimately. I want to know more of his word.
Action steps: Do not waiver on morning quiet time. Create reminders around me of his word. Spend extra time outside of my morning quiet time reading his word. Prayer + meditation.

Geez Katie. These goals are heavy. Don't worry. I have some lighter ones too. :)

6. Read 12 books.
Why: Because I absolutely LOVE reading.
Action steps: Make a list of books I want to read + make time to read.

7. Play more music in my home.
Why: It makes me so happy. Skipper loves it too.
Actions steps: Make playlist for moods and events. Put my records where I can easily change them out. Turn the tv off.

What are your goals for the year? How do you accomplish your goals? Share them with me because it truly excites me. And always remember:

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. -William Faulkner

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