March 28, 2016

Easter in Pictures

This was Skip's second Easter but the first that he was able to participate. I have a secret. I am not a mom full of traditions. Dying eggs? Eh. A basket full of goodies? I guess. Matching outfits? Nope. I don't know why I am that way because I love seeing others traditions plus my mom and grandmothers are both really into traditions. My mom stays up all hours of the night Christmas Eve to wrap gifts with the perfect paper, set out goodies, eat the Santa cookies and so on. This is for every holiday really. Even my mother-in-law is really, really good at it but I just can't get into it. Maybe when Skip is older and really excited for Easter and other holidays.

Since I knew I wasn't into the whole get eggs, fill them, put together a basket thing I started preparing early. I made R go with me to the store to get stuff a few weekends ago and the second we got home I stuffed the eggs because I knew I wouldn't do it if I didn't right then. Yesterday morning I was happy to get his basket out though so that is a good step. We put in cars, rice krispie treats, bubbles and sidewalk chalk. And before you go all crazy like what do you mean holiday spirit and shout things like Katie, he has a monogrammed basket. That is more than me! What Easter/holiday spirit? My mom bought it. See what I mean? ;)

This Easter we decided to go spend the day with my grandfather in Magnolia. We made plans to attend his church, go see my grandmother in the Alzheimer's wing, make + eat lunch plus celebrate my grandfather's birthday. He is turning 88 this Tuesday! AND he will be doing taxes as a volunteer for fun on his birthday. The man is a saint. Really, ask anyone.

It was a great day! My little family is the best and slowly but surely we are making new traditions.

Skip was not into finding and collecting his eggs. He really didn't get into the hunt until that first egg that had a Reese cup in it. Then we couldn't stop him. He would run to a new egg, crack it open, if filled then he asked to eat it, if empty it was quickly tossed. We couldn't stop laughing.

Also the picture below shows you how much creativity goes into hiding eggs at the Farrin house.

Skip's outfit is the same one he wore last year. That just shows you how much my baby was a chunky chunk and now is thinning out. He is such a big boy!

And look! Mommy got in a picture :)

How was your Easter weekend? What are some of your favorite traditions?

Also to me it goes without saying what this holiday means. Truly, I get so emotional (partial pregnancy symptoms) over a father who would go to battle for me. Not only on Easter or the day he rose but every day. See what I mean? Weepy and grateful and blessed.

Wishing you all a perfect start to your week. And perfect by your standards. That matters most.

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