May 8, 2014

Friday, I'm in love

Good morning. I am looking forward to this Friday for a few reasons other than the obvious no work until Monday thing. This Friday I will be waking up in Fayetteville (one of my favorite places). We are spending Mother's Day weekend with my dear friend Summer at her new home.

Summer is my once in a lifetime friend. We met my freshman year of college when we pledged the same sorority. I knew who she was but we never developed that friendship until almost the end of that year. She asked me to workout and I of course went. And that day, I remember thinking why it took me this long to find this girl. But God has perfect timing.

About a month later I ran into a really hard and frustrating time in my life. Summer stuck by me through it all. She has always been there since then. We have been roommates. I was a maid of honor in her wedding. And of course, she was matron of honor in mine. She has been giving me advice. She dealt with old boyfriends (especially the ones who throw rocks at windows at wee hours in the morning and morning donut runs. Ha!) She got me into running. She sat with me and wiped my tears through some of the hardest times. She was the first to know we were pregnant (even before R). Well technically she was the one to tell us we were pregnant. Even faint pink lines means a baby is in there. She sat with me eating hotdogs and macaroni over our stove in our first apartment together, well, our first apartment period. My gosh, we were so excited about that apartment. She also taught me ketchup goes great with cold mac and cheese. She taught me the value of a secret. She has challenged me in my faith. She taught me the goodness in being brutally honest. She also taught me that I deserve more than I settle for. She threw me a wedding shower, a bachelorette party and soon a baby shower. Two of those events were multiple states away. She is the best.

She is the best.

She is the best.

And I get to spend the weekend with her. She is finally back in Arkansas for a few years before they move again (they = her sweet little girl, awesome husband and pup). I plan to take advantage of it. We already talked about baby and mommy weekends. I also get to spend time with her little nugget, Ruth Mae. Let's discuss how awesome that name is for a baby gal. I am thrilled to spend my first Mothers Day with her. (Mothers Day knowing I am pregnant, at least). Girl time = good time. :)

And one more for old times sake.
Circa 2007. Before the duck face was cool and then uncool.

1 comment:

I would love to hear from you! Let's encourage one another.