June 11, 2012

Polish Wedding, Kilts, A Stabrucks Bar & Flavored Popcorn

Happy Monday friends! I feel like I have so much to tell you about this past weekends wedding. It was so much fun! Each wedding I am at I think to myself how kind these people are. It is always a treat.

I started my Friday night with this family filming the rehearsal dinner and ended my Saturday watching her family and friends bask in Polish traditions. This is the first wedding that I attended that the family used traditions from their heritage. I do have plenty of Instagram photos to share but first a few of my favorite parts.

Bread and salt blessing: Jessica and Doug were such a fun couple. I have to say that their guests were even more entertaining. Right after Doug and Jessica were announced and enjoyed their first dance, the parents came to the front to carry on a family tradition known as the "Bread and Salt Blessing." Doug's dad explained what was on two silver trays. One tray had a piece of bread and a small salt shaker. Doug's dad explained that the bread is so that the couple never goes hungry. Jessica's mom tore off two small bites of bread and the couple ate the pieces. Next, Doug's mom explained that the salt is to symbolized trials in life in hopes that the couple would take those tests and struggles with a grain of salt. The bread was then sprinkled with salt and the couple took a small bite.

Doug's dad brought out the second tray. It had two small shot glasses of clear liquor. The first shot was water. The water showed hopes that the couple would never go thirsty. The second shot to be explained was vodka. The crowd perked up at this point. Doug's dad said that the vodka shot shows who wears the pants in the relationship. At this point the couple has no idea which shot is what. They each picked one and took the shot. Jessica got the vodka. The guests (and vendors) got a big kick out of it! It was too fun.

This wedding had such sweet touches of traditions, heritage and just good ole fashioned fun. Even Jessica's 85 year old grandfather showed off on the dance floor. How about a few images I snapped via Instgram? Sorry for the quality.


1. Boulder Springs was amazing.
2. I love a pretty cut of wood, lanterns and candles.
3. Ah, the veil dance. This is another polish tradition. The Maid of Honor removes the brides veil and then sits holding the veil like a pouch. Guests drop in money to dance with the bride. Once you finish dancing (guests only) take a shot and eat a piece of chocolate. It was too fun! The groom ended up throwing his entire wallet into the veil at the end.
4. That shot that I mentioned.
5. Kilts are always a wedding must.
6. The groom manages a Starbucks. A coffee bar was the perfect touch.
7. Popcorn and candy bar for the ride home.
8. What my Sunday afternoon looked like.

I do feel like Jessica and Doug's family are a part of my family. This couple is so sweet and have such great examples to learn from. I hope that you had a great weekend as well! I cannot wait to show you video from this too fun wedding!


  1. Can we please schedule in the veil dance at our wedding!?!? :) It looks like you had a great time this weekend. I can't wait to see the

    1. hahaha! Of course we can! It was so much fun :)

      Counting down the days until your special day! Loves friend!


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