{Etsy via Merelee Made}
What does this picture have to do with anything? Not much except that I love Arkansas. I really love it. How about we get started on Thursday's Q & A session?
Q. How do you come up with your content?
A. Sometimes I wonder the same thing. But honestly, it does take a bit of brainstorming. I am a bit of a Chatty Kathy but I tend to focus on topics like life, relationships, love and weddings.
I do love to throw in pretty pictures. It is a must. I spend almost as much time finding the right picture as I do writing my post. It takes time to spell check, proofread and develop a story. I like writing a post that leaves your day better. I find that important. Even if my post only helps or encourages one person, it was worth the time it took me to write it.
Back when it was my blogiversary week, I did post my daily schedule here. It shows a bit of the process of creating a post. Things have changed a bit since I do work 35 hours a week in an office in downtown New Braunfels. Regardless, I write what is on my mind. I set my own rules. I enjoy what I do and love writing, errors and all. Finding a blog voice has been the biggest lesson. Sometimes a picture sparks an idea while other times I may have been slowly adding to a post over a few weeks. Yes, I do research topics. Yes, I do brainstorm. Yes, I blabber but the most important thing is the end result which is a happy bride and a pleased Katie. Thus, this is how content is born for Lovebird Productions. For more on this little blog read my first post here and a bit of background here.
I hate to disappoint any of you that thought it was a magical process. Just like writing a post, inspiration is everywhere. Be inspired and if you have a blog, pass it along. I would love to read it! Happy Thursday friends!
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