June 4, 2012

June Goals

I pretty much say this every time that I write my monthly goals post but how is it already June? I seriously cannot get over how quickly this summer is moving past us. I am happy to report that I did pretty good with my May goals. I was successful with a new DIY, completed my client checklist and made two new recipes. I attempted black bean burgers. They smelled good but tasted horrible y'all. At least I did try to make something new.

My list for this month is pretty simple but important. I have a lot of work to get moving on. Let's get to the list:

1. Accomplish all editing projects. I have two in the cue with one coming up this weekend. Work, work, work. It sure doesn't end but I wouldn't want it to.

2. Another DIY. I already am tossing around two ideas. Thank you to everyone who was so sweet with this past months DIY! It was fun and tasty.

3. Treat myself to a pedicure and a matinee. I deserve it. Simply said.

4. Buy my bridesmaids dress for Rachel's wedding. Rachel showed me her sisters and mom's dress this past weekend. They were fabulous! Now I need to get on the move because summer dresses are perfect for her wedding. The color selection is ideal.

5. MOVE! Yes, our house is going to be done at the end of this month. I cannot believe it. I am actually going to be a homeowner. We are scheduled to close at the end of this month and will also be out of town.

6. Pack. We have a lot of stuff. I am tired just thinking about this one. I also will be starting a garage sale pile. I need to repair a few things, clean, organize and reduce clutter. I have to admit I am one of those people who love to clean and organize. I use to want to be a professional organizer. Maybe one day?

7. Take 5 minutes every day to say what I am thankful for. Don't get me wrong; I know that I am very, very blessed. With the more that gets put on my to-do list, the easier it gets to be tired, cranky, stressed and overwhelmed. I am learning to take on things that make me happy and fill up my heart with joy. I just want to remember to take time every day to remember my purpose. My mom use to say to me every day before school, "Remember whose you are, who you are and who you represent." At 14 that quote drove me crazy but it really rings true. 

There are not too many blog items making this list but June = moving. I am very excited about this new chapter in our lives. Let's do this June! :)


  1. Haha I am pretty sure my June Goals post starts the exact same way as yours! Where is the time going these days?! :)

    1. I just read your post and laughed! Hopefully this summer slows down a little bit :) Hugs!

  2. Love your monthly goals! It's true, a month flies by so fast. It's nice to have a way to slow down and make sure you are doing the things that matter most to you! : )


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