May 18, 2012

Love Song Friday, Volume 54

Happy Friday! We have had a house guest for the past few days. Rusty's best friend came to visit. It is so fun to watch them goof off together. I was also gifted with wine at the time of his arrival. Bliss! We decided to take time to float the river yesterday. New Braunfels has two rivers and these rivers generate a significant amount of tourism for this fabulous city. We grabbed our tubes and sunscreen and headed out.

We went to the area know as the tube chute. The best way to describe the tube chute is a giant water slide that is deep and fits multiple tubes and people down it. At the bottom of the chute it literally propels you across the river. It is fun, a tad scary and really exciting. The water is racing fairly quickly. The last time we went down the tube chute we decided to link our tubes. Bad idea. I was the last tube and somehow I flipped. This water was ragging and it was one of those moments where I couldn't find how to get up. I told myself not to panic. I ended up coming up for air at the far side of the river. I tried to be a big girl but I have a swollen knee, lost a sandal and cut my foot. The positives are I managed to not lose my favorite sunglasses and floppy hat. Minus the tragic tube flipping experience the day was a success!

What did that story have to do with anything wedding related? Nothing at all. It is Friday. You just need to know that this blog almost lost its author yesterday.

This week on LBP...

Monday: New Vendor: Crafted Locally
Tuesday: Neon My Heart
Wednesday: Sick Day - Happy to report that I do feel better.
Thursday: Q & A: How Can I Get Him to Help More?

Today's song is probably one of the most over played wedding video songs and I still love it. Ben Rector White Dress is perfect! I hope this song lifts your spirits and sends you into a weekend of fun! Happy Friday :)

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