April 10, 2012

What I Have Learned in Texas, Part 1

Rusty and I are quickly approaching our one year anniversary of moving to Texas. In that year we have learned a lot about this beautiful state. Some lessons have been hard as in the 115 degree summers and some things have been easy peasy like eating more BBQ. ha! I made a list of all the fun things we have learned and some of the not so fun ones. Sometimes I wonder if I should just write all my posts in lists all the time. As Sharon of GBC (best show ever) would say, "Get Rowdy!"

Photo Source: Etsy

1. Everything is really bigger. Hair. Trucks. Bling (Holla 2000). Parties. Events. Concerts. Beer. Vacations. The saying rings true here folks.

2. Easter is like no other holiday. I cannot believe what a big deal Easter is in Texas. I mean I do understand it is the day the Lord rose from the dead and boy am I grateful. We went to a weekend of festivities full of food, food and more food. Parties consisted of relaxing, time outside, desserts, egg hunts, laughter, live music and swimming. Did I mention the food? I also tried Tres Leche cake for the first time and oh my heavens. That stuff is genius. 

3. Myth: people in Texas drive fast. If you want to go to a city that will make you say more bad words and use obscene hand gestures due to terrible driving, visit Jonesboro, Arkansas. Even though Jonesboro is bad, people in Texas (a majority) drive the speed limit. Boring!

4. A pool is a good investment. In Arkansas a pool is a luxury. In Texas a pool is a necessity. Pools are such a good investment here. You can swim about 8 months out of the year. Maybe in our dream home...

5. They think I am Southern. Everyone notices "my accent" and asks where I am from. When I reply Arkansas they say how Southern I sound. Uh, you are further south than me. I don't actually say that but just smile and say something twangy like right or birthday.

Photo Source: Etsy

5. Texans celebrate everything. That is about it. A birthday, baptism, engagement, straight A's, every occasion is worth a party!

6. There is so much to do. I cannot even express the amount of activities. We live in New Braunfels and still have not experienced all this little cheery city has to offer. We also have barely scratched the surface in San Antonio. I love how socialble our town is. From 5k's to concerts at Gruene Hall, we are always entertained.

7. Every place has a patio. With all this gorgeous weather 99% of restaurants have a patio including Taco Bell. We are talking fancy y'all.

8. I love it here. Sorry Mom and Dad but I don't think I want to come home. We are loving Texas and all its charm. It feels like home!


  1. I love that you love Texas!! And good timing on this post because I actually just spent my weekend in Arkansas (Hot Springs)!! Arkansas is beautiful!! I already miss the mountains and all the fresh air :)

    But one correction for you - people in San Antonio/Austin do drive pretty slow. But up here in Dallas we've got some speed demons!!!

    I used to live down there and miss all the festivals around this time! I can't wait to visit this summer for some tubing in the Guadalupe!!

    1. Oh my goodness, Hot Springs is one of my favorite, favorite, favorite places! It is gorgeous :)

      It warms my hear to know that you love the river and know my new town! Can't wait to see you on the river!


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