April 9, 2012

First Look vs. Waiting for the Walk Down the Isle

Happy Easter...a day later! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I thought we would greet this Monday with the forever debated topic. Let us discuss first look versus waiting for the walk down the isle. Surprisingly, Rusty and I both agreed that we wanted to wait to see each other for the first time with my walk down the isle. Well, that is what I wanted to do until I got my dress. I might not have expressed how much I love my wedding gown. Once the gown was purchased I was ready to do a first look then but three months before the wedding might have been a bit much. ha! We did wait though and I wouldn't trade that moment.

To me a first look is a bit out of the box. It throws tradition to the wind and allows the bride and groom to have a peek at one another. It is also becoming more and more common. With that being said I love the idea and build up of the walk down the isle. I do think that each couple should decide together their style as to which method they will use. Now for the debate and benefits of each.

First Look:

1. Oh the nerves. The biggest thing I hear couples say that they enjoy about first looks are settling their nerves. Your wedding day is full of emotion and anticipation. Seeing each other helps calm the woes and gets you even more excited to walk down the isle.

2. Getting pictures done. Big bonus! When it comes to wedding pictures, you take a lot. Having a first look allows you to get a majority of pictures done before the wedding begins. It also helps you arrive to the reception in a timely manner.

3. Time alone together. If you do decide to have a first look it is a moment with just you and your love plus a few photographers and videographers but you get my point. You get to have a special moment with no other distractions or people. I have even had some couples spend a few moments alone before continuing with pictures. If you were like me waiting until the early evening to see your significant other can be tough. Time alone is such an added bonus!

Walking Dow the Isle:

1. The build up. I can attest to this. I LOVED getting to feel those excited nerves and then rounding the corner to see my husband. I don't remember much of our ceremony but I do remember the music building and the moment I laid eyes on Rusty.

2. Sweet tradition. I have to say that this tradition is something that will never go out of style. Waiting to see the bride walk down the isle never gets old! Each wedding is unique and no walk down the isle is the same. Make it your own even with tradition.

3. Wonderful pictures. You get this added bonus with a first look but I have to be honest, I love the surprise look on a man's face seeing his bride walk down the isle. The moment holds tradition, sweetness and raw emotion.

Regardless of which style you choose make sure that your decision fits your personality. Make the moment special and sweet for you both. Each provide different incentives but either way it is your wedding day!

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