April 16, 2012

Minor Obsession: Spring/Summer Movies

I had a realization this weekend. Between the crafts, editing and oreo cookie eating I realized that I use the term minor obsession frequently. I am minorly (not a word) obsessing over stripes. I am minorly obsessing over bright colors. I am minorly obsessing over bamboo chairs. I constantly minorly obsessing over my pup. ( <- How about that sentence?) Now where could I be going with this post? This weekend made me realize that my minor obsession/loves make me happy. Browsing wedding blogs make me smile. Taking extra time to drink my coffee in the morning makes me happy. The fact that you haven't closed this tab on your browser makes me giddy. I like that little things in life make me happy. More and more I am realizing that I have to slow down but keep my life organized. I find that each year I relax a little bit more. Each year I throw rules out the window and make my own mark.

Ever have those moments where you realize how the smallest detail can make your day better? That is me. I am having moments like that. Yes bad times like missing your husbands birthday presents happen. More on that here but life is so forgiving. Each day is new. Thank goodness! With all this jibber jabber I thought I would start a little random post about my favorite minor obsessions. They make happen once a week or once a month but regardless I will be showcasing my favorite thing at the moment. Cause you can never have to many favorite things, right?

Hope you are still with me guys. I really do. One thing that makes me jump and down each year are Summer movies. Technically, it is still Spring in most parts of the U.S. but not in South Texas. In the south it is hotter than hoochie coochie. Thank you Alan Jackson for those inspiring lyrics. I am going to take a moment and pat myself on the back. You don't know how long I have been waiting to incorporate the term "hoochie coochie" into a post. And...that moment has passed. The point is warm weather has hit here. It isn't in the 90's yet but we sure have gotten close.

One movie that I am looking forward to watching is The Lucky One or should I saw cry my eyes out too. Two true stories: I use to think I was going to marry Zac Efron and by use to I mean a few years ago before I met my good looking husband. I actually had a poster of him on my college dorm room wall. That ladies is dedication.

Second true story, I know I am going to cry because it is based on Nicholas Sparks book. Every women and probably grown men cry when reading his books. Weep is more like it. I have read only one book by ol' Nicholas. My sophomore year of college I was going through a really tough break up. I had dated this guy for a few years but it was like quitting a bad habit, hard and tiring. Christmas break arrived and I was so glad to take a trip to Chicago to visit my family. While there a friend let me borrow her copy of Nicholas Sparks Message in a Bottle. I read the book on my first flight home, my layover in the St. Louis airport and then on the final flight back to Arkansas. I can remember sobbing uncontrollably. Why any friend didn't stop me from reading that book? Even my mom had read it and didn't stop me when I told her what book I was reading. Nicholas Sparks novels and heart ache don't go together. To say I was a mess was an understatement but my definition of a good writer is one who moves you and make emotions come alive.

I am looking forward to this movie and the heart gripping, tear jerking, not go to the bathroom to tinkle until it hurts kind of love story. The challenge has been presented!

Then once I get done crying my eyes out I will go laugh while watching my other minor obsession, The Five Year Engagement. The idea of putting Emily Blunt and Jason Segel together on the big screen is pure genius. Every romantic comedy shows the couple overcoming all the odds to get their happy ending. Whether it is an engagement or a sloppy kiss at the end, most feel good love stories leave you hanging or at least I feel that way. It is great to see the happy ending but then I always think what is next for that couple? You guys know I like honesty and this movie is just that. It shows all the struggles (not just with wedding planning) that couples can face while trying to get married. I know this movie is sure to please. I have it marked in my calendar! Also go check out Tom and Violet's (Segel and Blunt) wedding blog here. It is quite comedic!

Now that I have talked your ear off this Monday morning anyone want to make it a movie date? I am free!


  1. You are hilarious. ;) Those movies look amazing! I have read ALL of Nicholas Sparks' books EXCEPT Message In A Bottle (because I had already seen the movie and that tends to ruin books for me) - so you and I are opposites. I loved The Lucky One, so I'm really excited to see it! Fun post. :)

    1. Thank you dear! Too bad we can't have a movie date together!

  2. Oh Zac Efron. I can see why you had a poster of him on your dorm wall :) He's pretty dreamy!


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