March 6, 2012

My Best Friends Wedding

No, seriously! One of my best friends got engaged this past weekend! Rachel is my better half and I am so excited for her.

 Photo Source: Sarah Hicks

Isn't she beautiful? I really think I could talk about how great Rachel is for about 17 posts. There are a few things that make me really excited about this wedding.

1. It will more than likely be this Fall. I love fall. I am obsessed with Fall. Fall and I are lovers for life.

2. My sweet friend is marrying her dream man.

3. I get to help plan her wedding. Just like Hillary's planning and reception (read more here) I pushed myself on Rachel and she gladly accepted my help/tried to appease me. I have been itching to help plan a wedding and see it come together full circle. Just once and then I may be done with the planning thing. At least I can mark off one thing on my 33 x 30 here.

Rachel and I have been talking about her engagement for a while but it was really hard knowing it was going to happen but not being able to share. The secret was well worth it! I am giving you all a far warning that some posts will be the chronicles of helping plan Rach's big day. I warned you, fairly. The nice thing though is this is a wedding blog so post on planning are in order.

Rachel got engaged Saturday and has already sent me a few eeeek! what do I do text messages. Any woman who has been engaged or newly married shares these woes. I wonder how many times people have already asked her when her wedding date is? Um, not sure. I just got engaged. Rachel is too nice and at the time I got engaged (more on that here) I was too. Planning a wedding makes your skin tougher. Blogging every day makes your skin like leather. People can be forceful.

Rachel asked what we should do first. She also mentioned that people were already wanting to send gifts and asking what they needed. Obviously they have not registered yet. Shoot they have not even been engaged 2.5 days! Well Rachel and any other bride needing assistance, my blogging fingers can help.

What to do first...

1. Hug your fiance. I mean it. This man has planned, saved and been a nervous wreck. Of course he knew you would say Yes! but imagine all the pressure. So many couples rush right into planning (which is okay) but I think you should take even just a few days or months to bask in all that engaged life brings. From the sweet cards, gifts and celebratory congratulations, you will be happy right where you are.

2. Start gathering addresses. Plain and simple. Even though all friends may not get an invite, it is helpful to pull their address from the phone book (what is that?) or Yellow Pages online. If you are lucky like I was, my mom still carries and up-to-date address book that is the size of a slice of cheese.

3. Researching venues and dates. You don't have to know your date right away or the place where you will tie the knot but start looking. If you have an idea of your perfect place, inquire about dates. If you are stuck on a specific date, make sure you find a venue that corresponds and vice versa if it comes to a certain special location. A lot of times finding the venue which in turn sets the date helps get things into motion for the rest of your wedding planning.

4. Finding that perfect photographer. No, you don't have to book one right away but go ahead and start looking for your favorites. I encourage couples to schedule their engagement pictures fairly close to their engagement. Your pictures will still have the excited glow plus it is one thing to mark off your to-do list. If you aren't wanting the traditional smile and pose pictures, research your style. Do you want a fun picnic? Want to take pictures enjoying your favorite activity as a couple? Whatever your hearts desires, start looking and gathering materials for your e-session.

5. Discuss the budget. This one should probably be higher on the list because you really can't do anything until you have covered your budget. Whether you are using your own funds or getting help from parents, the budget is crucial. It helps you see exactly how much you plan to spend on various categories like food, specific vendors and party favors. Dissect each major category and determine where you want to spend your funds.

6. Find your wedding dress. You have been dreaming of the moment when you would be able to try on wedding dresses. Go ahead, you deserve it.

Now as far as gifts go, if people ask you what you want (especially before you register) request gift cards to your favorite store or suggest a gift you know you need. For example if you know you need new kitchen wooden spoons (my kitchen must have) offer this suggestion. Money is always a great gift to ask for but only if you feel comfortable. I found that we did receive a lot of gifts but a majority of people gave more money and gift cards than anything else.

Research various websites that allow friends and family to give you money online. You can have guests help pay for your honeymoon, put a down payment on your house or just give online. Registering for gifts is a must before any shower but at this point not a top priority. Any gift that you are given can more than likely be returned but to be honest we only returned things we received in bulk. Did I mention we got 5 sets of Pyrex? 5! No one needs that much Pyrex! We returned them but the gifts we did receive were so awesome and needed. You will be surprised how creative people get. Enjoy the gifts, keep them organized, write a thank you note and smile. You just got engaged!


  1. HOW GORGEOUS IS SHE?!!?!?!!! and this was an incredibly helpful post :) thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Caitlin! She is gorgeous inside and out! I am glad that I could help. That is what I am here for :)


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