March 20, 2012

Blogiversary Week: {Surprise Video}

Guys, I had this awesome I idea for my blogiversary video. Since I am taking a small break from wedding talk I thought I would do a surprise video about me, life and love. I asked my closest girlfriends to send me a handful of questions. I had Rachel compile the list of questions. A few notes...

1. This was made at the end of the day. My makeup looks bad and I have a nice zit right next to my mouth. I love being a woman.

2. I talk about getting naked...on camera. I am so odd.

3. Rachel you are mentioned in the getting naked part. Sorry dear.

4. Rusty decided to answer a work call during the video taping so you get to hear his charming voice in the background.

5. I say um and make this clicking noise quite a bit.

6. Of course I included bloopers. Of course.

7. As established by other videos like this one here, I am so stinking awkward on camera. Why did I think this was a good idea? Seriously why?

If I ever mention doing a video again, please stop me friends. Text me to stop. Email me to stop. Call me and say don't do it.

No more complaining from me. Today I will be taking my lovely mom shopping. San Marcos outlet malls, you don't stand a chance. My mom also makes a nice surprise visit in the video too! Hope you enjoy this video and have a wonderful day!

Blogiversary {Surprise Video} from Lovebird Productions on Vimeo.


  1. :) Love it!! Favorite part. . . besides you telling our secrets, the bloopers!! It was good to see your Mom and Baby Girl too.

  2. Thanks Rach! haha...sorry I spilled the beans :)


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