February 17, 2012

Q & A: Communication and Expectations

Friday friends! It is upon us. We are back to our usual routine for Friday and have a new reader Q & A session. Today's topic is more about relationship advice that wedding planning tips. Let us begin...

Q. My significant other and I have recently talked about doing more things that interest me. I love doing things that he loves but sometimes I feel my interest aren't as important. We decided to go to a concert together plus a few friends. The band performing was one of my favorites! We started the concert and about half way through the boys went to get refills and went to the other tents that were at the event. Needless to say I finished the concert with a girlfriend sitting next to me. We had a great time but I wanted my other half to be there to enjoy the whole show. I became frustrated because we just had this talk about doing things that I like to do. Can you help me find the right balance?

A. First you should know, we have all been in your shoes. Sometimes as women I think we believe that we are the only ones dealing with a certain issue and are nuts for being frustrated. Every couple that I speak with I stress the importance of communication. Understand that a relationship, marriage or friendship cannot survive without it. Always be willing to be open and receptive to your partner and return show the same courtesy when they are open with you. It is good to communicate how you feel and areas you feel need improvement in your relationship. Always be kind!

Ladies we all want our men to read our minds and to always exceed our expectations. Since we live in reality, I do think it is important to let your partner know your expectations. For example, before going to the concert take a moment to let him know that you are excited to watch the concert together and that you are really looking forward to spending time with him. I have learned that if I have really high expectations for a date to let Rusty know. It helps him be more aware and gives him a bit of direction. We both feel satisfied. I don't think you should have to always let him know your expectations because a loving man will be pretty good at fulfilling those. But like I said, guys need a little help in the right direction sometimes.

Love Song Friday is right around the corner.

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