February 24, 2012

Love Song Friday, Volume 42

Thank you all for the outpouring of love and support with the new blog design! It made this lady very happy and grateful. I do believe that I have the best readers and that includes you. The emails, texts and comments were kind and generous! I love interacting with everyone so feel free to email anytime. I enjoy it!

Who is happy it is Friday? Me! Me! Pick me! We made the late night drive to Arkansas to celebrate my brother and his new wife, Hillary. They are having a reception this weekend and I get to help decorate. You can read more about their new nuptials here. I cannot wait to share all the pictures of their reception. We are having us a party y'all!

I am choosing not to do Friday's Q & A for a few reasons. These reasons include:

1. I am home with my family. I drove 8 hours over night, got in about 1 a.m. and I am looking forward to lots of family time. I haven't been home since Thanksgiving. To some that may not be a big deal but it is for me. I do love Texas but I also miss home at times. I think I will have my fill of family though by the end of this weekend. Love you family ;)

2. My mom's desktop is ancient. I am seriously watching every letter type out one by one and lag a bit. Love you Mom, I do. She did recently get a new keyboard though. Improvements.

3. My husband is taking me shopping! We have been pinching pennies lately but today I get to shop! Don't worry. I prepared with a hearty breakfast and coffee. I am in prime condition. Stretched and ready to go!

With all that being said this week was a lot of fun on LB Productions. We got a new, pretty design and read some fun posts.

Monday: Brunch Date with Cris - Thank you TWIPS!
Tuesday: {Feature} Soundtrack To I Do
Wednesday: Wedding Dress Wednesday
Thursday: New Wedding Shower Trends

Today's love song is an oldy but a goody. This CD was one of my first and my dog ate it. Weird memory. We all can remember a time when we sang I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis. For me it was jumping on the trampoline with my best friends and playing it so loud. My husband and I still sing this song a lot. I thought memory lane was a good place to go today! Enjoy this tune and your weekend. Happy Friday y'all!


  1. The new design looks absolutely gorgeous! I am so happy for you :) Great jam too!

    1. Thank you Rhi! You are always so kind friend :)


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