February 7, 2017

Clara at 7 Months

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.When I found out I was pregnant the second time around I immediately started praying for a baby who is laid back and slept all night. My prayers were more like pleas. Please Lord let this baby sleep all night. Please let this baby and I connect instantly. Please let this baby be relaxed. All these things and I promise to stay within my coffee budget each month.

Totally kidding on the last line but you get the idea.

Boy did God bless me abundantly. Clara June is the sweetest little soul. I don't know if I can put into words how much I adore this child. She is sweet, smiles non-stop and loves just watching everyone. She talks SO much. We joke that she is taking after her name sake (my grandmother June Rose). She is a pure delight. While she use to be a good sleeper turned not so good lately, we are getting adequate rest through the night. She loves to cuddle and is reaching for everything. She is currently pushing up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. 

We joke that she doesn't know her name though because we never call her by it. Any given day she is referred to as: Tooty, CJ, Clara June, sister, sissy guuuuurl (Skipper), baby girl, Clara. 

She loves to eat: sweet potato, applesauce, butternut squash, bananas and carrots. She really loves the veggies the most. We have tried some puffs but she isn't a huge fan. I am hoping to introduce her to avocado and water in a sippy cup soon. While her cheeks are chubby she is pretty little. She wears clothes that are right in line with her age and even her six month clothes still fit. They are starting to get too short though.

Her favorite person is still Skip with Daddy quickly closing in. Skip loves her to pieces but he is ready to wrestle with her versus sit next to her. She is starting to yell/cry at him when he overdoes it. She is already telling him to leave her alone. In fact this morning I got tickled because it was the first time I told Skip to leave his sister alone as Clara squawked at him. (hello parenthood!) She loves her brother though and you can tell that she is trying to keep up with him. She doesn't want to sit in the baby toys like her saucer chair anymore when she can sit on the floor with her brother instead.

Like I mentioned she is becoming a Daddy's girl. She sees Daddy and just lights up. She loves to cuddle Daddy and he will hold her until his arm falls off. She also knows that and takes advantage. :)

She has the prettiest blue eyes and blonde hair that is starting to curl which makes me so happy! We just adore her. I have heard my friends say it but the greatest thing we ever did for Skipper was give him a sibling. While it isn't always easy, their bond is already forming and a true joy to watch.

Thank you Lord for this sweet as pie baby! I cannot believe that in a few short months we will be celebrating her first birthday. Annnnnnnd I just got emotional so go look at pictures of my pretty girl.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

Clara June Farrin at 7 months old.

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