June 18, 2014

Dear Life // Volume 1

Dear life,

You are a bit of a nut lately. And I am embracing that. It is only 13 weeks until we could possibly be welcoming our son and that makes me choke up a bit. For many reasons i.e. caring for a human, knowing what to do with a human, being responsible for a human, pretty much all of it but we are excited and eager.

I feel like I have started this post about 100 times and hope to continue writing them. Where am I in life right now? What am I doing? How can I remember this moment?

I currently sit typing this post in our un A/C home. (Joys of homeownership) I am thinking of all that is to come while trying to decide how to enjoy the moment right now. The thing about being at home with no job waiting for a baby is learning balance. Ironically, I am finding that balance is for every stage of life. You never have it all together but that would be boring if you did. Balance has to be found in all circumstances. No day is the same but thank goodness. Monotony is lame. I do love a good routine but no email is the same, no prayer is the same, no bill is the same, no phone call is the same, no mood is the same.

Balance to me is like a trick of the trade. Being able to think things through and find leverage in all you do, that is balance. Balance is writing thank you notes on time. Balance is changing up your workout to keep you motivated. Balance is powering through an assignment at work that doesn't excite you and keeping hope in the end result. Balance is holding yourself together after a night of no sleep. Balance is trying something new that scares the pants off of you. Balance is taking a vacation. Balance is paying off your credit card. Balance is cooking dinner for your family with a glass of wine in hand and your favorite Pandora station on. Balance is planting a garden. Balance is cleaning the garage. Well, I don't like cleaning the garage but you get the point.

What I am getting at is balance looks different in all lives. What works for me and gives me joy may not for the next person. I have to be okay with that and not judge them or their life or their habits. I have to love in all extremes. Balance is meant to make others feel good and my balance exists for me, not others.

What is your balance?

Life, thanks for being beautiful and bold and colorful and fun and balanced.



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