May 8, 2012

Lindsey and Joseph's Wedding Day Highlight

I have been eager to share Lindsey and Joseph's highlight with you and today is that day. I did things a little different this time around but one thing that never changes is how much I love these couples. From the start Lindsey has been so kind hearted. Joseph and Lindsey are such a special couple. Their chemistry jumps out at you and you can tell they are best friends. Marrying your best friend is a big, big blessing. During the vows, Lindsey got choked up and Joseph just smiles and comforts her. It moves me every time y'all. Things I love about Lindsey:

1. She is 100% the most laid back bride ever. There are times that I feel like the bride expects me to be on my feet filming every. single. moment and while I do film a lot I do need a break here and there. Lindsey was so go with the flow. It was amazing.

2. She treated me like her best friend. She talked to me. She was happy. She laughed with me. She even turned around when leaving her reception to hug my neck and say thank you. That was a first for me. I am grateful.

3. Hands down she has the best dance moves. No explanation needed. This girl can groove.

I am happy to share this highlight with you. Without further ado, Joseph and Lindsey's wedding day:

For more on Joseph and Lindsey click here.

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