April 20, 2012

Love Song Friday, Volume 50

Well guys we have officially reached 50 volumes of Love Song Friday. Isn't that a pip? I have to be honest. I cannot believe you all have put up with me that long. I do have to thank you though. No, there is no Q & A today. Any guesses as to why?

Rusty and I are heading out of town. That is right! My husband has been officially relived of his weekend working duties. To make things extra special we are taking a little getaway to celebrate getting our weekends back. I have to say I am one lucky lady to have someone like Rusty. I really am. Sometimes I just cannot believe how lucky I really am. I know. It is a lot of mushy stuff but I count my blessings. Ever. last. one. of. them. Let's just hope that this trip turns out better than this one here.

This week was fun friends.

Monday: Minor Obsession: Spring/Summer Movies
Tuesday: Planning Your Ceremony, Part 1
Wednesday: Wedding Dress Wednesday
Thursday: Real Bride: Meet Rachel
Friday: Booty Shaking (Like how I threw that in there?)

You all know my love for the 90's, especially music from that decade. One band from the 90's that I was a BIG fan of was the Dixie Chicks. I even got the privilege of seeing them in concert. Sadly, I probably still have the t-shirt. ha! In 1999 they released their album FLY and I think I memorized every single word. One song that become a favorite in 2001 was Some Days You Gotta Dance. I tapped dance to this song like the talented tapper that I am. Wish I had the video to share with you all. This past week while catching up on my GCB episode I heard this song and was amazed that I remembered the words!

I just knew this song was the right fit for this Love Song Friday! I am not a big country gal but I do love old school Dixie Chicks. To be honest, some days you do just have to dance. It makes life better. Cheers to the weekend friends! See you Monday!


  1. Love this song!! The Dixie Chicks are one of my fave bands ever. Have an awesome getaway this weekend!!

  2. Enjoy the weekend with your hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Till next week : )


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