January 13, 2012

Q & A: How Did You Know?

It is me again. Let's give a warm welcome to Friday and another whopping round Q & A with little ole me. Simmer down friends! I know we are all excited. And picture one...

Q: How did you know Rusty was the one?

A. Ahhh...a question that I would be happy to answer.

This picture is how I knew he was the one. See below.

...And this one.

Considering these were taken after we were married they really don't count but I do have the answer. My answer may sound silly but it just worked. When Rusty and I started dating we had so much fun together and we still do. Rusty and I met as strangers and there was no pressure to start a relationship or make things work. We met, we had a blast, he asked for my number, a few days later he started texting and calling, he asked me to hang out in a group setting, we did the first date thing not long after and like I mentioned before kept having fun.

With Rusty I never found myself questioning were we stood. We dated for almost a month and saw each other a lot and in that time. I never thought when is he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? We were just enjoying each other. I know when you are mid 20's it is weird to define a relationship. One of my friends asked him if we were exclusive (boyfriend and girlfriend). A few days later he asked me what I thought, we talked, agreed we wanted to be a couple and he asked me to be his gal. I never worried about were I stood with him or what are we doing next? This relationship unlike others was a breath of fresh air. Other relationships were rocky or I felt like I was playing a game to get the guys attention. Not with Rusty. He has always been honest with me about his feelings. Like I said before, it just worked.

It wasn't until a four or five months into our relationship that I knew I wanted to marry him. I told Rusty before we ever said I love you's that the next man I said those three words to would be the one I was going to marry. I haven't been in love a lot but I know how sacred those words are. I didn't want to throw them around and I gave Rusty fair warning that if he expressed those feelings to make sure he was in it for the long haul. I can remember the look on his face when I told him. He showed a bit of fear because at that time he didn't know if he wanted to get married to me or not! haha We were just having a good time! About two months later he did tell me he loved me and I can remember the moment. It still makes my heart swell up with love! From then on we discussed marriage a few times plus reaffirmed already discussed family, religious, financial values and dreams.

Do not get me wrong, we have had hard times but it was how we handled them and made our relationship stronger. With Rusty I have never felt like I was compromising my values or self worth to be with him. He builds me up, encourages me, believes in me, loves me and more importantly he is my best friend. I couldn't ask for a better husband to share my life with.

And that ladies and gents is how I knew that I would marry Rusty. He continues to amaze me and makes life sweeter. He is a man worth keeping around ;)

So ladies my best advice to you is just let it happen. If the relationship isn't satisfying or it seems too complicated chances are he isn't the man of your dreams. The man of your dreams will make you feel complete. (Corny but true) You will always have to work at relationships but if it is more work than fun, cut your losses. Be yourself and the rest will fall into place. I always say a woman cannot be happy in a relationship until she is happy with herself. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Katie!! I felt/feel the same way about Brady. If it starts out difficult- it may not be the right relationship. We are lucky women!! :)


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