July 5, 2011

A Box of Memories

A few months ago, I suggested using shadowbox frames for storing your wedding keepsakes here. Well, I finally took the time to scope out the perfect shadowbox frame from Target to place our engagement, wedding and honeymoon memorabilia in. The frame cost me just $10. Steal! Twenty minutes after opening the frame, I got warm fuzzies looking at the finished product.

For now the frame is sitting on our buffet table until I can find the perfect place for it. In the frame I placed the cork from our champagne bottle, our rehearsal dinner invitation, our wedding invitation, the room keys to our honeymoon suite and rooms at Lake DeGray (where we were married), our newspaper clipping announcing our October wedding, our cookie cutter wedding favor and seashells from our honeymoon! It makes me smile every time I pass it. Do you have any

1 comment:

  1. This is super Katie! I love it! I think I want to do something like this with mementos from Aiden's infant years.


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