I have had so many people asking about teaching. I haven't talked about it yet on the blog because I really don't know y'all. I have wanted to teach for so long starting with the time that I almost changed my major to education my freshman year. Regardless, here I am and this opportunity has been presented to me. One that is so awesome but I just haven't decided. Everyone says that your first year of teaching is difficult and I think that word is an understatement. It is beyond hard. I am currently starting week four and have learned more in the past three than I ever imagined. Is that possible? Because I didn't think it was.
I am just not sure yet with teaching. And that is okay. I still have a while to decide. While I am declaring this month full of positive ju-ju, I am learning to savor those tiny little moments. A lot of those moments lately have been hiding my phone and enjoying the people right in front of me. But I do love taking photos.
Life lately...
Jane and I enjoying a very early morning by the lake. We love our morning walks and quiet time especially by the water. She is such a blessing.
Baby Ruth. I loved meeting this little girl. She even saved a dirty diaper just for me to change.
Lake trips mean back in bed snuggles. Ever since Jane has been little Rusty has told her to get back in bed with Mommy ever morning. Now I am the one who gets up bright and early which means she gets to get back in and snuggle with Dad. Totally normal. Right?
Razorback Football. Lots of Razorback football.
Not only is our downtown redoing the sidewalks but a little coffee shop has created a book exchange in an old telephone booth. My favorite thing is when kids are walking with their parents downtown and asking what the big red thing is. That use to house a pay phone children.
We love the weekends and road trips :)
My first pumpkin spice latte of the season. Don't worry. I got two this weekend. Thank goodness for gift cards :)
I was finally able to get my hands on an Ann Potter Baking cookie. It was heavenly. I didn't stop at just one.
Make it worthwhile y'all. Time is moving so quickly. Some days I love that but some days I want to savor it more. Thankful, thankful, thankful.
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