February 9, 2012

Plan B

When planning my wedding I always dreamed of having an outdoor shindig. From the beginning, I wanted stars, sunsets, lights and a fog machine (true story). I searched various places to find just the right venue. You can read more on that here and here. The ultimate goal for Rusty and I was to plan an outdoor wedding weekend. We wanted friends and family to get to spend the whole weekend having a wonderful time. How often do you get to spend time just enjoying each other's company? It also helped spreading things out over the weekend for those who traveled long distances.

After booking our venue, the event director assured us that we always had a Plan B for the rain. I was like "Say What?" Rain never once crossed my mind. Since this Plan B was an option if rain did occur I asked the event coordinator to show me exactly what Plan B consisted of. It was a drab, indoor (gasp) room with blue and gray tile floors and those fold up wall dividers. It seriously brought my wedding planning bliss down 10 notches. I think my mom saw the upset in my eyes and kindly thanked the event coordinator for her time. I couldn't believe it. This is what they offered for Plan B because Plan A was just so darn beautiful. I had the lake in the background, green grass beneath my feet, sunshine, lights strung up, and a two-level patio for dancing. My mom reassured me everything would be fine and that I wouldn't have to worry with Plan B.

About one month before the wedding, my mom and I met with the event coordinator again. We spent hours that day nailing down every. little. detail. During this time the coordinator also brought up Plan B again. Instant panic. Sweating. Yucky! The more she talked about it, the more I came concerned with the rain. I finally spoke up and discussed my fears with Plan B. The coordinator (who was awesome) calmed my fears and walked through the entire space with me. She answered questions like "How will 200 people fit in this room?" and "Why did you all choose this tile color scheme?" and "Where do we put the DJ booth?" She answered everything and with a smile on her face.

Yes, I wanted an outdoor wedding to the max but if it did rain I felt confident in the space that was provided. I am grateful for an event coordinator who worked to make everything perfect. Sometimes there will be last minute showers and regardless of preparation I know it can be a scramble to rearrange plans. But just in case it does rain or you find yourself doubting the weather uses some of these tips:

1. Make sure you like Plan B space. I am not saying that you should book your venue off of how pretty your back up space may be but you should definitely be pleased with that space. There is a chance that it could rain and you want to be pleased with what you are paying for and could possibly have to use. This may seem like a simple tip but it is an important one.

2. Make sure the space is functional. Pretty plain and simple. Your space needs to accommodate all your guests, gifts, dancing and food.

3. Draw out your plans. Take the time to make a sketch of where everything will go in case of rain. It helps your friends, coordinators and yourself! People won't be wondering around worried about where a table should be placed or how you want the chairs set up. It doesn't have to be perfect but a design in mind helps!

4. Ask for pictures of past weddings. At my venue Plan B was not always Plan B for other brides. Some brides chose to have their reception inside. After hearing this I asked to see pictures of what they did while decorating and arranging things. The pictures really helped! I got to see how beautiful the space was and how other brides transformed it. Best part, I didn't notice that tile floor! :)

4. Don't be afraid to ask. I literally waited until weeks before my big day to ask about how things would work in the Plan B space. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to draw a back up floor plan for your wedding. If you have any worries, make them known. The coordinators and venue directors will be happy to help ease your fears. I promise you will feel better after asking!

5. Pray for no rain! Kidding...kind of.

Also remember to have decor that works both outside or inside. The weeks before my wedding I think I checked the forecast every day. I wanted to make sure I was completely prepared for my big day.

Thank goodness it didn't rain...

1 comment:

  1. I definitely know what you mean. When we got married, I hated the indoor space available, and it rained the entire day before and morning of our wedding! We got really lucky, and it cleared up a few hours before the ceremony, but that Plan B is definitely important...no matter how much you hope you don't have to use it!


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