August 16, 2011

You better work, Cover girl

If that title doesn't make you laugh a bit than I don't know what will! And for your entertainment pleasure...

Now that you are done dancing around let's talk about getting in to shape. You get engaged and a lot of times the first thing on a bride's mind is losing just 5 lbs before the wedding. For some it is more weight but regardless the thought of how we will look on our wedding day is important to all brides. You should look and feel your best. I want to give you some simple tips to help you get wedding dress ready.

By no means am I a fitness expert but I am a woman. A woman who has to watch what she eats and work out daily to maintain my shape. Thank you mom for those family genes!

1. Be realistic. Before deciding on a workout regime or changing your eating habits, be realistic. If your wedding is three months away losing 35 lbs is not realistic. Each week you should be losing between 1 to 2 lbs. Your goal weight should be reasonable. If you aren't realistic it can be disappointing.

2. Accept who you are. This may be the most important tip I have. Ladies let's face it. We are so hard on ourselves sometimes. You are beautiful. You are charming. You deserve happiness. Be proud of who you are. You are successful. You are you and that is enough. It took me a long time to realize that I will never be a size two. My family genes are not small. We are a larger group but that doesn't mean I can't be healthy. Being healthy is much more important than what size your pants are. Be you and work it!

3. There's an app for that. Check out your phone! Their are so many helpful apps. You can do Weight Watchers or Lose It for free. These apps keep you up to date on health snacks, easy tips, realistic weight loss goals plus calorie counts on a ton of food.

4. Make a lifestyle change. With losing weight comes lifestyle changes. You can't expect to still have Whataburger every Tuesday and reach your goal. Try switching up fast food for whole grains, lean meat for protein and filling up on fruits and veggies. Also, you have to burn calories. You can't just change how you eat; you have to exercise. Start small. Don't over do it. Your lifestyle habits have to reflect a healthier you.

5. Set a goal. This goes back to being realistic. Set a healthy goal and stick to it. You can do this! Write down your goal and how you plan to reach it. Reread it each time you get discouraged or need a little pep in your step.

6. Mind over Matter. I have to be honest. Being healthier is not always easy. A lot of times resisting that piece of cake is going to be difficult. Think things through. I know this sounds crazy but talk yourself out of eating that cake. Tell yourself all the ways it will affect you or hold you back from reaching your goal. You can resist those goodies! I know you can!

7. Make a schedule. Print out a schedule of workouts and recipes for the week. Once you complete each day's tasks mark through it. This helps you see how much you have accomplished and how much further you have to go.

8. Ask others to join in. Get your bridesmaids working out with you! Get your fiance on board too. The more the merrier. You can hold each other accountable and be encouraging! Teamwork people.

9. Indulge a bit. Yes this is hard work. Yes it is challenging but the reward is so sweet. Plus if you keep up your healthy habits past the wedding that is even more beneficial. It will be hard to always maintain the course for a better you but that doesn't mean you can't treat yourself a long the way. Indulge in your favorite soda or cupcake. Remember to watch proportions and only treat yourself here and there. Don't think completing a workout is an excuse to run to Whataburger for a large pineapple milkshake. Yes, they are good but that cancels out all your hard work. Treat occasionally and enjoy!

10. Mix it up. Don't always do the same workout. Don't always go to the gym. Try hiking one morning with your fiance then going to enjoy a healthy breakfast at your favorite spot. Running on a treadmill every day can get boring. Go to a club and dance the night away. Keep things fun and interesting in your workout and with your food choices.

10. Have fun! This is important too! Enjoy yourself. Yes, making healthier choices can be difficult and frustrating but the reward is so sweet. Have fun along the way and know that you are benefiting yourself in many ways!

I know you can do this! You deserve to feel and look your best. I am grateful for all you lovebirds! Tomorrow I will include a handful of workouts and recipes!

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