August 18, 2011

Be Aggressive, B-E Aggressive

Man I am having a blast incorporating fun old school jams. And yes, I just said old school jams.

Beside fond memories of Space Jam that song also reminds me of Bring It On. When I was in high school I once sang "I Believe I Can Fly" at a student assembly. Unreheased. With the entire student body waving their hands in the air. Sigh. The glory days.

Now that you are very impressed with my ties to Space Jam let's continue on to our topic. On Tuesday I covered the beauty in embracing you plus a handful of tips to reach your weight loss goal for your wedding day. You can read those tips here.

When it comes to working out I enjoy yoga the best. It stretches, tones, tightens and relaxes me. No other workout can do that for me. I do yoga about two days a week and run the rest. I have a love/hate relationship with running. Running is GREAT cardio and I love the way I feel when I am done running. Now - the hard part of running is to keep going when you want to stop. Really stinking hard. So since running is still very new to me (About 12 miles a week) let's talk about yoga (which I love.) An added benefit is you can do a yoga workout from the comfort of your own home!

Here are a few of my favorite positions that are sure to boost your metabolism:

1. Bridge Pose. This one looks harder than you think. It takes strength from your thighs. You have to root your feet into the floor while squeezing your butt cheeks. Squeezing your butt cheeks helps take pressure off your lower back. It also helps with your core.

How to (according to SHAPE): Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet hip-distance apart and flat on the floor. Reach down with your fingertips to see if you can feel your heels.  If not, walk your heels a little closer to your body.

Press your weight into your feet to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Keep your thighs parallel. Bring your arms underneath you and try to clasp your hands together (Don't worry if you can't do it at first). Roll your shoulders blades toward each other and hold this pose for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Release and roll slowly back to the floor. Repeat two more times.

2. Crescent Lunge Pose. This works your thighs while stretching your hips. It also helps get your heart rate up.

How to: Begin in downward dog pose. Step your right foot between your hands. Lower your hips into lunge position and shift your weight onto the ball of your back foot, bringing your hands to your hips. Stay up on the ball of your back foot and lift your upper body so that you're standing straight up. Keep your hips squared the entire time. Bring your arms above you and reach for the ceiling.  Palms should be facing each other. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides.

3. Shoulder Stand. I know. Bare with me. This is easier than it looks. When I was little I called this Candlestick. It helps stretch your neck and back. I L-O-V-E this pose!

How to: Lie on the floor on your back with your arms alongside your body, palms down. Bring your legs in the air towards the ceiling. Press into your hands to lift your legs over your head, coming to Plow Pose.

Clasp your hands together and try to roll your shoulder blades towards each other. Bring your hands to your lower back for support, make sure your fingers are spread wide. Slowly lift your legs to the ceiling one leg at a time. Try to get as straight as possible by walking your hands close to your shoulders. Hold for 1 to 3 minutes.

These are just a few of my favorite poses. There are plenty more. For the how to's I referred to SHAPE magazine here along with the photos.

I know that some days you just don't have time for a workout, you don't feel good or you just need a break. Here are a few things you can do in your day-to-day schedule to feel the burn:

1. Squats it out. Disturbing when said like that. I know but whenever you are blow drying your hair, brushing your teeth or washing dishes you can perform a few squats. I hate squats but they make a big difference. To do this just stand on one leg while bending and straightening that same leg. Tighten those cheeks while keeping your core firm. You can also do calf raises! My college roommate did this all the time. Raise to your tip toes and lower back down. Trust me - you will feel the burn.

2. Crunches and TV. You are watching your favorite show and need a quick core workout. No problem. During the commercial, get on the floor and do your favorite crunch workout. Whether you are doing bicycle crunches or working the obliques continue through commercials. When your favorite show comes back on climb back on the couch!

3. Telephone talk. Now a days everyone has wireless telephones. Take advantage of this opportunity. Walk around when talking on the phone. Girl, you know that you talk a long time on the phone. Make sure it works to your benefit!

I know these may seem silly but they can help. Like I have said before, I am in no way an expert on fitness and struggle with food temptations but I do know what it feels like to be healthy and proud of it. Make sure you always start small. If you think I can't run a mile well walk one and take your time. The thing to learn with exercise is their is always room for advancing. Your workout can grow with you!

I am grateful that you are reading this post! I hope that you benefit from it even if it is dancing around to Space Jam tunes. What are your favorite workout routines or fitness moves? Let me know by commenting below or emailing me: I would love to hear your words of wisdom!

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