July 11, 2011

A Taste of Southern Charm

Happy Monday! I attempted my first inspiration board this weekend. Most people do a color scheme which I hope to attempt but I thought I would compile pictures that spotlighted a bit of southern charm. I love being from the south. As in L-O-V-E it. I hale from the land of southern hospitality, sweet tea and where saying y'all is the norm. Isn't it great? I hope these pictures inspire you and make you smile!

For more on each photo, follow the links below!
Birch vases: Here
Back of lace bridal gown: Here
Sign: Here
Wedges: Here
Chalkboard: Here
Invitations: Here 
Mason Jars: Here
Cake: Here

I hope that you all have such a great day and even more exciting week!

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