June 22, 2011

Wedding Dress Wednesday

I know that this isn't with my theme for the week but I love looking at wedding dresses. I can't get enough of them! With that in mind I am going to start another trend on the blog, Wedding Dress Wednesday. I know...exciting! Each Wednesday I am going to start by focusing on one dress that I am loving for the day.

I can remember everything about the royal wedding. Every little detail. It will be ingrained in my mind forever! And who can forget Kate's dress? It was iconic. David's Bridal just came out with their new Fall line and look what I spotted.

Photo Source: Here

I couldn't believe it! How neat to have a timeless dress like this one. David's Bridal is offering this dress marked down to $850. What a beauty? You can find more on the dress by clicking here.

Let me know what you think about Wedding Dress Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. This took me the longest time to work out that it was NOT Kate Middleton!


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