Well we have reached Friday. Are you dancing in your seat? This week we have covered standard protocol, discussed finances, planned a shower, partied at the bachelorette party and today we are talking about you. Yes you! For months now, you have been giving your all to planning your best friends wedding. You have talked her off the edge, tasted too many cakes, obsessed over flowers, listened to her vent, been to every fitting, researched the perfect honeymoon, planned a stunning wedding shower, partied in Vegas (I am sure that part was easy) and just rocked the ceremony and reception. Now what is a girl to do?
That's simple. Have F-U-N! This is your time. You deserve it! Let me help you out with ideas to celebrate rocking your job as maid of honor:
1. Get rid of your bridesmaid dress. I know...shocking. You paid $90+ for this dress and you want me to get rid of it? You really think you are going to wear it again? Try giving it to your niece or cousin to play dress up in. You can also give it to charity or donate it to a Goodwill/Salvation Army. You can also check out these websites for more ideas: princessproject.org and glassslipperproject.org. Unless you are going to wear the dress again, toss it which brings me to point #2.
2. Treat yourself to a new outfit! That is if you haven't broken the bank with the wedding. Hopefully you didn't have to spend all the money that you budgeted for the wedding. Take a day to go shopping at your favorite stores. Have fun treating yourself! Plan a special occasion to wear your new outfit too! Whether it is dancing with your girlfriends or finally having time to try that first date with Mr. Handsome.
3. Plan a mini vacation or a BIG vacation! Who says that the bride is the only one who deserves a fun trip? Plan a weekend trip to the lake, a romantic getaway to the mountains, a fun day trip to an amusement park or a week long vacation at the beach. Toes in the sand, fruity drink in hand while catching a sun kissed glow. Umm..yes please!
4. Spa day! Treat yourself to a day at the spa. Get a massage plus a nice facial. If a spa day is not in the budget, make time at home to paint your toenails, do a deep scalp treatment while drinking a glass of wine and watching chick flicks.
5. Take time for Y-O-U. I am serious. For women, I feel this is the hardest thing for us to do. The whole reason for this post is that you make time for yourself. You have worked hard and deserve to spoil yourself a bit. Whether you indulge yourself for a day or a week, just agree to do it.
I hope that these past few days have been enjoyable and somewhat educational. Being a maid of honor or bridesmaid is a big responsibility but with good direction, a realistic budget and a positive attitude you can rock the job!
Please feel free to email me @ lovebirdproduction@gmail.com or comment below! I love hearing from you! Check back this afternoon for Love Song Friday!
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