April 16, 2011

My Family: Jane Dog

This is a wedding blog and I hope that you understand I love writing about all things wedding but today I want to celebrate my sweet little girls six month birthday. Meet Jane, our first born.

This past week I read an article about being a mother.  Yes, I know that comparing a mother of a child to a mother of a fur baby is totally different but I did notice some similarities.

1.  I can't move fast enough to keep foreign objects out of her mouth.
2.  She amazes me with the things she understands.
3.  She always loves me.
4.  Another set of eyes are always watching me when I go to the bathroom.
5.  I prepare a bag just for Jane on any trip we go on.
6.  I will watch Jane make a big mess just so I can relax a few extra minutes.
7.  Everyone loves to give her attention.  Heck, so do I!
8.  She is on a schedule which means I don't need an alarm clock anymore.
9.  She always provides great entertainment.

I love being a fur mom especially to Jane Farrin.  Life would be dull without her.

Tomorrow I promise to go back to wedding blogging.  No worries!

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